HVAC solutions for asthmatics

Tips To Remember During An Air Conditioning Installation

With the rise of DIY projects, most people will attempt to install air conditioners by themselves. As such, you must get it right to avoid costly repairs or replacements. Luckily, this piece has some pointers to help ensure your AC installation is successful. 

Choose the Right-Sized Air Conditioner 

AC units are sold in different sizes for a reason. So, don't assume that your home can do with just any air conditioner. Unfortunately, most people can't tell what size of air conditioner suits their household. You should always consult with an HVAC contractor instead of making guesses. These pros can help pick an air conditioner by just looking at the size of your home. An AC system of the right size will cool or warm your home to the desired temperatures without struggling.

Inspect the Existing Ductwork

Assuming you want to replace an air conditioner, you'll still use the existing ductwork. Sadly, most homeowners don't bother inspecting their existing ductwork. You see, the existing ductwork might be too weak to handle the airflow from your new unit. As such, you might have to modify the ductwork to ensure it's ready for the new AC unit. Have your HVAC technician or contractor inspect your ductwork and make the necessary modifications.

Place the Unit in the Right Place

Your Air conditioning has to be placed in the right place to function optimally. Sadly, homeowners don't consider locations when installing their units. Experts recommend placing your outdoor units in an area that's not exposed to direct sunlight. Besides, the unit should not be placed near bushes. 

Always fix the condenser on the side that gets the least direct sunlight. This way, the condenser will always stay cool.

Hire a Professional

As much as you are into DIY projects, it doesn't hurt to ask for help from professionals. You see, DIY air conditioning installations are never easy. You might get it wrong despite trying your best. So, if you aren't comfortable doing the installation, you can always seek help from the pros. You will have saved so much money by hiring an HVAC technician to install your unit.

Consider Energy Efficiency

Before you purchase an air conditioning unit, check its EER or SEER rating. You should ensure that the unit you want to purchase has a good energy efficiency rating. Units with a higher rating tend to be more efficient. Any central air conditioning unit with a SEER rating of 13+ should be good for most homes. 
